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  • Next Sunday is Ward Conference. We invite all families to attend to hear from our Stake leadership and the messages the Lord has especially for our Ward.


  • Next Sunday 9/22 there is a special Young Adult Fireside featuring Sister Kristen Yee, 2nd Counselor of the General Relief Society Presidency. It will be held at the Bering building @6pm. All Young Adults age 18-35 are invited to attend.


  • This Saturday 9/21 there is an Emergency Preparedness Potluck here at the stake center for our ward at 5pm. There is a sign up sheet.


  • Ward Youth Council will be held today, directly after the trash has been gathered and taken out, in the Relief Society Room.

Please Feed the Missionaries

Please contact the Missionaries directly to schedule a meal with them.
Sisters: 346-350-9946
Elders: 346-626-9898.

Oyster Creek Ward Mission Plan

As a ward, we will focus on members participating in inviting all to come unto Jesus Christ by:

Encouraging the basics in families;

Having varied, purposeful, inclusive activities;

Taking time in classes to share experiences;

Encouraging face-to-face invitations. 

Stake Adult Religion Class happens every other Thursday at 7:00PM at the Eldridge Building. Exact dates can be found on the Stake Calendar.

Institute Religion Class (for young single adults ages 18-30) occurs every Thursday at 7:00PM at the Stake Center.

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